
Showing posts from January, 2022

Exploring External Synchronicities Based on Inner Psychological ‘Meaningful Experiences’

Exploring External Synchronicities Based on Inner Psychological ‘Meaningful Experiences’ Kennia Sarellano San Jose State University Psychology 100W - Writing Workshop Section 80 Laree A. Huntsman December 14th, 2021 Abstract Due to personal experiences and natural curiosity of the human psyche, this paper explores a concept most famously researched by a historic psychiatrist, Carl Gustav Jung. These experiences are meaningful coincidental synchronistic events commonly known to guide individuals in their time of need. Because these experiences are not readily accepted by the scientific community, it is important to keep an open mind and respectful outlook throughout this paper given that findings reporting repeating patterns in all aspects of existence are studied and examined for the benefit of the person reporting said experiences. Along with a psychology lens, concepts like consciousness and unconsciousness are incorporated into this phenomena. When thinking about a meaningful coinci